<aside> ❓ How to use the simple Habit Tracker

  1. You want to make sure you add a new day with the “New Day” button below.
  2. This will create a new day for you and you will be able to start checking off your habits for today.
  3. I have created 7 Habits in total (that’s what I use)
  4. To change the Habits generated per day you will have to the database. On the righthandside where it says “New”, click the arrow next to it and edit the default called “Daily Habits”.
  5. Know this: the progress bar is currently mapped out for 7 Habits - you will have to change them once you delete or add a Habit.
  6. You can, of course, change the names of the buttons with the little gear icon next to them
  7. That’s it - you now should be all set for your daily habits.



Habit Tracker

If you want to have a graph like this, displaying your progress head over to chartbase.so, connect your Notion account (you will only be able to get one graph for free) and begin adding the database you’ve created into Chartbase.


To get you started Ivan on YouTube has a great intro Video on the Graph
